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How Often Do Websites Need Maintenance

How Often Do Websites Need Maintenance

Website maintenance plays a vital role in having a functioning and up-to-date site. There are many different areas that require attention in order to get the most out of your company’s website:


When you think about the security of your website, not only are you trying to protect yourself from having your safety violated, you are also trying to ensure everyone who visits your website is safe. The last thing you want is for visitors who come to your website to worry about getting a virus or having their personal information stolen from them. Some websites will require visitors to input payment information, personal identification information, and other sensitive information. The more you expect the users on your site to share about themselves, the more important it will be to focus on maintaining a safe and secure website.


As time goes on, your business will go through changes and evolve. You may offer new services, stop offering old services, or refocus the direction of your company entirely. This will require you to update and maintain the content that appears on your website in order to stay relevant and accurate. Additionally, you may find that the traffic that is directed to your website leads to specific questions or patterns. If you notice there is a lack of information covering aspects of your business, updating the content can help to represent yourself more clearly for online users.

It is also important to see how the information on your website is being seen by search engines. Our website maintenance services include auditing your website on a regular basis to ensure you do not have broken links or low-quality content that can affect your placement online.


The design of your website will not require frequent major overhauls, however, as time goes on you will want to update your website to keep up with trends and establish a strong online presence. New software and tools are constantly being made in order to help streamline the performance of websites. Our web developers maintain your website and work with business owners to ensure their vision is becoming a reality.

Technical SEO

The point of Technical SEO is to make sure that search engines are able to properly find and navigate your website. You want to know that the information you have placed is being seen under the proper searches. Without this, it will be very difficult to be found by the users you are looking to attract.


How Often Does Your Website Need Maintenance?

Our team is dedicated to providing you with a website that is up-to-date and enhances the user experience. Routine maintenance is a critical component of web design. This is why maintenance costs have been accounted for in our comprehensive marketing services. We find that website updates and maintenance plans should be done on a monthly basis. Make sure you are attracting potential customers and not pushing them away with our web maintenance services.


Houston Online SEO Company

If you are not putting resources into optimizing your website, you will quickly fall behind your competitors that have already implemented SEO strategies to their online presence. As the gap expands between how much effort your competitors are putting into their online marketing and how little work you are putting into your website, the harder it will become to engage with customers online. The team at Houston Small Business Marketing works hard to help your business stay relevant in this online-focused world by tracking the latest strategies in online marketing for businesses.

Don’t let your business miss out on potential customers and become a force within your industry! From excellent web design to social media management, the team at Houston Small Business Marketing is here to help you broaden your reach and grow your audience!

Stop giving away potential customers to your competition, contact us today! We dedicate ourselves to working closely with business owners to come up with a marketing plan that helps them succeed. We provide each customer with a free consultation for your website and social media to let you know how you can improve your placement online and grow your engagement with local potential customers looking for your services.


Houston Small Business Marketing
1415 North Loop West #950
Houston, TX 77008
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