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How Much Does It Cost To Design A Website For A Small Business

How Much Does It Cost To Design A Website For A Small Business?

Small business owners know, when it comes to running a successful company, the list of responsibilities is neverending. These days, this includes developing a dynamic and SEO-focused website. In our modern world, connecting with your customers digitally plays a vital role in growing your business. At Houston Small Business Marketing, we help businesses grow by reaching new audiences online. The more exposure your business gets, the more people will visit your website, which will translate into real world conversions for your business. This is why it is important to invest your time and money into developing a website that works for your company’s specific needs.


Forbes explains the 3 reasons websites are vital for small businesses:

First Impressions Count: Let’s face it – we live in a world where people Google before they shop, visit online review sites like Yelp before they buy and “check-in” via Facebook as they go about their days. Because of this, you want your first impression to be the best it can be. Beginning with your website, consumers are passing judgement and making decisions about whether or not they will even visit your store, restaurant or office. They’re likely to dismiss you entirely, as well, should they believe your website doesn’t reflect the kind of experience your business – or a business like yours – should offer.


Window Shopping Isn’t What It Used to Be: Strolling down your local Main Street isn’t the only way people check out stores and other small businesses nowadays. With routine visits to Yahoo , Bing, Google, Yelp and other online sites, customers are constantly seeking where they plan to make their next purchases. Make sure your business is well represented on these sites by first and foremost, having a website – but by also being represented among each of the online search engines, review sites and other online spots your business may be considered for customer review. Beyond having your URL address available, also be sure your street address, phone number and email is easily visible. Social media links can’t hurt, either, but only include these if you are actually active on social media.


No Website Means Losing Business: By now it’s clear that if you don’t have a website, you’re missing out on opportunities for customers to identify who  you are and if they want to spend money with you. This said, if you have a bad website it is better to have no website. While no website equals missed opportunities, a bad website can actually be worse since it literally makes your business look bad. With so many template based websites available nowadays, such as Shopify.com, for you to customize for your unique business, there’s truly no excuse for your website to look unprofessional and sloppy. If you can’t proudly promote the website you have currently live and available for the world to see online, take it down. A bad website is far worse than no website – but let’s be clear… both are bad for business.


How Much Does It Cost To Design A Website For A Small Business?

At Houston Small Business Marketing we offer many different plans to help small business owners get the most out of their website and online presence. Our plans are customizable to your industry and unique needs. Our starting rate to design your website and provide comprehensive marketing services for your business begins at $999 a month. The more in-depth your marketing strategy is, as well as the more complex the design of your website is, the more the price will reflect the time and effort required from our team. We work with companies to get the results they need for the success they deserve. Contact us today to learn more about the SEO packages we offer.


SEO Marketing Experts in Houston

Stop missing out on potential customers and become a force within your industry! From excellent web design and social media management to Google Business Listing optimization and a weekly-updated blog, the team at Houston Small Business Marketing is here to help you get to the next level. Grow your business when you expand your reach online. If you are tired of giving away potential customers to your competitors, contact us today! We dedicate ourselves to working closely with business owners to come up with a marketing plan that helps them succeed. We provide each customer with a free consultation for your website and social media to let you know how you can improve your placement online and grow your engagement with local potential customers looking for your services. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer.



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