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Which of the Following Statements About Search Engine Optimization are Correct


You will find that when it comes to finding out the myths and truths about search engine optimization, there is a lot of information out there to process and shift through to figure out if it is true or not.  It does not help that as each year processes that more and more things about it change.


Unfortunately, anything the revolves around the internet is evolving every day to better the usage of the world-wide web.  But hopefully after reading this article it can better help those with these questions better understand SEO and can determine myths from truths.


SEO Strategies

To start off, one major myth that is flying around is the content within a website is not important when this is one of the most important things when referring to SEO.  Having quality content that is just the right length for the number of keywords throughout it is very important for page ranking.


You want your viewers who come to your page to be enticed and entertained with the content throughout your website that is relevant to what they are trying to search for.  One of the important things about search engines is that they are crawling pages that contain specific keywords that relate to the words their searchers are typing in to find answers and further information on that specific subject.  If your content is not knowledgeable or enticing enough, this can severely hurt your page ranking.


After bring up quality content other types of components follow it such as meta tags.  Though meta tags do not play a huge, if any, part of the algorithm all search engines have, they do play a part when collaborating with your quality content, so it is best not to overlook these.


When people think about SEO they think that page ranking is everything that drives their website to success.  Unfortunately, they would be poorly mistaken and in truth it is only half of the battle.  The other part of the battle is having a user-friendly website that is not only functional, but one that is relevant to what the viewer is searching for as well as contain content that is both informative and entertaining to read.  If your website is one that is exactly like this, then along with proper SEO will only further your success with your page ranking.


One thing is some people make the mistake on when it comes to local directories is signing their website up for all different kinds of places, not realizing that most are mainly ad based.  This will feature your business, but it will be found alongside any competition that you may have as well as other advertisements.


When it comes to local directories investing in a service such as Text or Moz Local are the best way to go.  These services get your business featured on the most important directories that are online.  This does not directly affect your SEO, but it helps with making your business show up.  So instead of having your business featured in many different directories, being featured in the most important ones would have a larger impact.


Keyword Stuffing

Going briefly back to quality content; most will think that “keyword stuffing” is what qualifies as quality content, this is not true.  There was a time where this might have worked, but not any longer.  It is best recommended to have said keyword somewhere within the H1 tag, reinforcing it in both the H2 tag and within the first paragraph.  If it is listed more than that it can hurt your page ranking as it is viewed as “keyword stuffing”.


Responsive Website

You may have heard that having a website that is responsive across multiple devices is not really needed.  In truth having a responsive design is a huge plus in your page rankings.  More and more people every day are using different size devices ranging from Smartphones all the way up to huge monitors for their desktops.  Having a website that can respond to each screen resolution is rather critical piece of SEO as a whole.


Social Media Posting

One last myth is that most do not feel that social media plays any part in SEO, when it has a huge impact.  More and more people are joining up on multiple social media platforms and use them every day for not only engaging with one another, sharing information and images, but also searching.  Sending out content, sharing, commenting, and engaging with people through social media and linking back to your website is a huge advantage.



These last two myths that many people do not feel affect their page rankings whatsoever when in reality, they play a huge part. As the years going on and the internet is further evolving, these will play and bigger part than they already do.


One thing to keep in mind is that when it comes to using SEO properly and to your advantage it takes both time and money.  An effort will be needed as well as a talent to maintain and update the optimization to gain the results that you are looking for.  One last thing to keep in mind too is that when it comes to page rankings, a search engine’s system can changed and adjust which means that your ranking can change and adjust with that.  So, staying on top of how everything works with SEO is key to be successful.



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