Houston Small Business Marketing regularly receives questions regarding a myriad of online marketing techniques. Below we have complied a few questions with answers. These questions reflects our online marketing offerings and local search engine marketing. Please forward any questions through our Contact page. Our agents will respond timely.
Local Search Engine Optimization has different meanings to many Houston-area small and medium sized businesses. Some businesses request local listings in search engines. While others want optimization under local keywords. Both are correct. Houston Small Business Marketing local SEO strategists will evaluate your requests, explore your marketing desires and make the appropriate recommendations.
This will vary by type of business and industries and how competitiveness of the keyword. In most cases, your listing will appear within 30 days. However, we have seen listings appear within one week and as long as sixty days. Houston Smalll Business Marketing local SEO strategists will develop a custom local SEO marketing plan based on your industry.
The ultimate goal to marketing is getting customers. Effective online marketing requires two basic principles:
1. When a potential customers types in keyword, your website needs to be seen (optimization).
2. Once your site is seen, they simply should like it. Houston Small Business Marketing will submit a game plan for marketing based on your industry.
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